Tuesday, May 31, 2011

October fall trip!

We did our annual fall camping trip! I can't remember the name of the town but we did a 15 mile bike ride around the town to different apple orchards. Yes it was fun but it was freezing and the wind was blowing at us most of the way. I know next time I will pack gloves, mittens, hats, extra sweatshirts and will be packing Justin Shorts!

Snack Break! Thank God I remembered that!

We had a huge hill that we had to walk our bikes up because there was no way after ten miles I was going to be riding up it. But it was absolutely beautiful with the orchards everywhere! That is definitely a dream that I have of living and running an apple orchard!

Lots of Carmel Apples!

And yes we had a lot of stuff!


Brandi Y said...

LOVE the new pics, Alicia!!

Staples said...

the color of blakes eyes in the leaf picture...amazin!